Ecas4 will be exhibiting at Hort Connections 2017

<h6>Upcoming Event</h6><img class="blog-image-main" src=""><h1 style="color: #00b1bf;"><span class="slider-header-bold" style="color: #00b1bf;">Ecas4 will be exhibiting at Hort Connections 2017</span></h1><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p class="intro-para">15-17 May 2017, Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><em>Combining the National Horticulture Convention and PMA Fresh Connections, Hort Connections 2017 brings together the largest number of growers, supply chain members, government stakeholders and industry service providers in the Australian horticulture industry.</em></p><p><em>Hort Connections 2017 will build on the success of the two previous events, incorporating world-class speakers, an expansive Trade Show and unparalleled networking opportunities.</em></p>

Ecas4 will be exhibiting at Australian Healthcare Week 2017

<h6>Upcoming Event</h6><img class="blog-image-main" src=""><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h1 style="color: #00b1bf;"><span class="slider-header-bold" style="color: #00b1bf;">Ecas4 will be exhibiting at Australian Healthcare Week 2017</span></h1><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p class="intro-para">8-10 March 2017, International Convention Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><em>As we enter a transformational period of change for health and aged care provision in Australia, with advances in technology and new models of care, Australian Healthcare Week is the best-on-offer event in 2017.</em></p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><em>It is set to be bigger and better, with the event moving to the brand new International Convention Centre, Darling Habour, Sydney.</em></p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><em>Held over two main days (8-9 March 2017), the event will consist of 3 main topical summits and a full day of workshops (10 March 2017), aimed at providing unrivaled learning and development opportunities and solutions to the challenges you face in the design and delivery of the healthcare facilities of today and tomorrow.</em></p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->
Adelaide hospital introduces revolutionary water technology set to radically improve patient safety and recovery

Adelaide hospital introduces revolutionary water technology set to radically improve patient safety and recovery

<h6>Latest News</h6><h1 style="color: #00b1bf;"><span class="slider-header-bold" style="color: #00b1bf;">An Australian first in healthcare.</span></h1><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>North Eastern Community Hospital in Adelaide is the first in Australia to introduce ground-breaking technology that will permanently eliminate <em>Legionella</em> in their water pipelines, providing patients with the safest water in the country.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>The Ecas4 system, developed in Italy, and already widely used throughout Europe, successfully eliminates pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and mono-cell algae from main and drinking water without the use of toxic chemicals.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Scott Williams, CEO of the North Eastern Community Hospital, says “We are thrilled to be the first hospital in Australia to introduce this technology which means we offer the safest and cleanest water out of any other hospital in Australia.”</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Ecas4’s National Business Manager, Simon Crabb, says “<em>Legionella</em> is a real risk for hospitals as it is for any building that has a reticulated water system. There’s nothing on the market that will control <em>Legionella</em> as well as Ecas4 can.”</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Bacteria are naturally present in water and are able to form a three-dimensional structure on the internal surface of pipes called biofilm. Biofilm is a thin layer of organic material where bacteria like <em>Legionella</em> can bind and develop.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Williams explains that before using the Ecas4 system their water treatment would flush away the <em>Legionella</em>, but it didn’t break down the biofilm.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>“The difference with this technology is that it actually destroys the biofilm and prevents <em>Legionella</em> from building or forming in the pipes in the first place.”</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Currently hospitals have to heat their water to more than 70 degrees to eliminate pathogens or bacteria that exist within their water system. Williams says “With this new technology on board, we’ll be able to reduce our heating requirements down to domestic levels which has a massive impact on our energy consumption and the ability to reduce our gas bill by a third.”</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Ecas4 Australia’s CEO, Tony Amorico, says there are significant opportunities within the healthcare and food industries and has invested in the relocation and expansion of the R&D program. Ecas4 have engaged Dr Sergio Ferro – an Italian electrochemist involved in the formation of the technology. NECH have partnered with the University of South Australia to independently research the project.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Amorico explains that the Ecas4-Anolyte will destroy pathogens including <em>Escherichia coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Campylobacter</em> and MRSA (‘golden staph’) without any form of resistence. He says “The Ecas4-Anolyte solution can be used in nebulisation form to attack pathogens present on surfaces, including equipment, machinery and food. Our long-term goal is to use this technology to sterilise healthcare facilities, waiting areas and hospital rooms.”</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Williams says “Our hospital and aged care facility covers a broad spectrum of patients and residents, from newborn babies to the elderly. We have now improved patient safety, particularly for those vulnerable groups.”</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>“Risk is always evident in healthcare and we aim to remove it wherever we can. The Ecas4 project sets us on a clear path to being able to eliminate that risk of <em>Legionella</em> completely.”</p><br /><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h5>North Eastern Community Hospital & Aged Care Facility</h5><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>North Eastern Community Hospital is a not-for-profit, community owned private hospital and nursing home facility focused on providing quality clinical services to the local community.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Situated in Campbelltown, 10 km north east of the city of Adelaide, South Australia, the modern 60 bed hospital specialises in General Surgery, Medical, Obstetrics, Orthopaedics, Laparoscopic Surgery, Gynaecology, Gastroenterology, Dental and Residential Aged Care.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><a class="more-link" target="_blank" href=""></a><br /><br /><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h5>Ecas4</h5><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Ecas4 was founded to provide health structures, in patient departments and accommodation of all kinds, with technologies in the field of bacterial disinfection.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>The Ecas4 system eliminates pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and mono-cell algae, from main and drinking water without the use of toxic chemicals, and, crucially, also eradicates the biofilm that is commonly found in the piping of any material.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>A minimal dose of the Ecas4-Anolyte disinfection solution is injected into water pipelines to provide disinfection without altering the potability of the treated water.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>The Ecas4-Anolyte is safe for humans and the environment, and ensures clean water (elimination of pathogenic bacteria and especially the bacterium responsible for Legionnaire’s disease).</p>
<h5>This article was featured in The Australian Hospital Engineer Journal, Summer 2016 (pg 60-61)</h5> <p><em>The Australian Hospital Engineer is the official journal of the Institute of Hospital Engineering Australia (IHEA). </em></p> <p><em>The IHEA is the relevant professional organisation for engineers and engineering facility managers employed in the private and public health care sectors, from the smallest to the largest facility, as well as consultants engaged in related work.</em></p>
First results of an Electrochemical Water Management System in Australia

First results of an Electrochemical Water Management System in Australia

<h6>Technical paper</h6><h1 style="color: #00b1bf;"><span class="slider-header-bold" style="color: #00b1bf;">First results of an Electrochemical Water Management System in Australia</span></h1><h5>Sergio Ferro, Tony Amorico, and Erica Donner</h5> <!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Site-specific water quality management plans are increasingly being implemented in Australian health and aged-care facilities in an effort to prevent water-borne infections in vulnerable patients. Newly developed guidelines, such as the enHealth ‘Guidelines for <em>Legionella</em> control in the operation and maintenance of water distribution systems in health and aged care facilities’ (Australian Government, 2015), underline the importance of operational controls such as the installation of continuous in-line disinfection systems and regular flushing of outlets for limiting <em>Legionella</em> bacterial counts and other microbiological risks. <em>Legionella</em> bacteria are the causative agents of Legionnaires’ disease (characterised by severe pneumonia) and Pontiac fever (a milder form of respiratory infection). Legionnaires’ disease is extremely serious in vulnerable patients (e.g. the immunocompromised, elderly, and newborn babies), with mortality rates as high as 40% for patients contracting the disease in health-care settings. This paper demonstrates successful <em>Legionella</em> risk mitigation in an Australian health-care facility following installation and optimisation of an on-site electrochemical water disinfection system.</p><p>In May 2016, an in-line Ecas4 water disinfection system (WDS) was installed at the North Eastern Community Hospital (NECH) in Adelaide, where microbiological water quality monitoring had indicated systemic <em>Legionella</em> contamination of the water distribution system. This not-for-profit, community owned, private hospital and government-funded residential aged-care facility was established in 1973 and currently has 60 beds, including a day surgery unit (8 beds), two operating theatres and a gastroenterology procedure room, as well as an aged care facility that provides permanent and respite accommodation for 84 residents. Substantial investment in building works have resulted in significant structural changes over the last 40 years, including a $2.5 million hospital extension in 1991 and the addition of the purpose-built aged-care facility in 2001. Importantly, the increased complexity of water distribution systems caused by building extensions is one of the <em>Legionella</em> risk factors identified in the enHealth Guidelines for <em>Legionella</em> control. Extensions and renovations often result in lengths of pipe being cut-off or capped, for example, thereby creating ‘dead legs’ with reduced water flow which are ideal environments for <em>Legionella</em> colonisation and biofilm growth. This is therefore a common issue in large, complex structures such as hospitals.</p><p>This particular facility is organized over three storeys and has an average annual water consumption of about 8000 cubic metres. The hot water system comprises four circuits and two risers. In order to minimize the risks of waterborne disease, the hot water was previously heated to 80°C, so as to be delivered to the thermostatic mixing valves prior to points of use at approximately 70°C. Despite the high energy costs, this approach proved to be insufficient, as <em>Legionella</em> and microbial cell counts (measured by standard plate count methods) have exceeded potable water quality guideline limits on multiple occasions in the last few years. Heat disinfection of water supply networks in health-care facilities is complicated by the installation of mixers to prevent patient scalding hazards. This can result in sections of the pipe prior to the point of delivery frequently holding warm water suitable for <em>Legionella</em> growth.</p><p>In order to manage proactively this risk, an in-line Ecas4 WDS was installed. This technology facilitates continuous dosing of low amounts of Anolyte, a diluted, slightly saline solution that contains active chlorine mainly in the form of hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Hypochlorous acid is a neutral (i.e., uncharged) molecule with low molecular weight that is better able to penetrate the cell walls of microorganisms than other forms of chlorine, and is thus a powerful disinfection agent, effectively inactivating bacterial cells. Continuous in-line dosing of the dilute Anolyte solution is, however, safe for higher organisms (e.g. humans) and thus suitable for use in potable water. Due to its neutral pH, it is also less aggressive on treated surfaces and infrastructure than many other disinfection agents (e.g. bleach).</p><p>The Anolyte synthesis is done on-site in the Ecas4 WDS reactor (subject to worldwide patent). This is equipped with four reaction chambers and special anodes, and uses a catalytic mixture of ceramic metal oxides (not including ruthenium or other hazardous components). A minimal dose of Anolyte is injected into the hot and cold water distribution systems to provide continuous disinfection without altering the potability of the water. This continuous dosing facilitates the elimination and ongoing control of microbiological contaminants, including pathogens such as <em>Legionella</em>. In addition, it can also help prevent the build-up of biofilms (sessile microbial communities) that are commonly found on the surfaces of pipe materials and typically implicated in increased microbiological risks.</p><p>Installation of the Ecas4 dosing system at the NECH was preceded by baseline sampling of the tap water throughout the hospital and of the biofilms on the internal surfaces of copper and plastic water distribution pipes in order to determine the initial contamination level and facilitate appropriate verification monitoring of the disinfection process and other water management activities. Microbiological water quality monitoring was conducted using multiple methods in this case study. Total microbial counts (heterotrophic colony counts) and <em>Legionella</em> plate counts (<em>Legionella pneumophila</em> serogroups, and other <em>Legionella</em> species) were conducted by a NATA accredited laboratory used by the hospital for regular monitoring, while complementary diagnostic and verification monitoring, including DNA-based quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis of the total microbial load and <em>Legionella</em> burden was carried out by researchers at the University of South Australia.</p><p>Baseline sampling was conducted on two occasions in the week prior to the system installation on the 12th May. Post-installation sampling was conducted on the first and eight day after installation and fortnightly thereafter. On each sampling occasion, samples are collected from the hot water taps of the ensuite hand basins in eight private rooms, and from the hand basins in three shared bathrooms. A sample is also taken from the rooftop water storage tank. Further samples are taken as needed for diagnostic purposes, e.g., to test the quality of the incoming potable water and holding tank water, to investigate the effects of more frequent tap flushing, to test the quality of water in the boilers, the quality and temperature of water in the return pipes, etc. Samples are analysed for water temperature at the point of sampling, free and total chlorine, redox potential, pH, electrical conductivity, heterotrophic colony counts, <em>Legionella</em> plate counts (serotyping) and <em>Legionella</em> genomic units (qPCR).</p><p>Table 1 reports the results obtained by the hospital’s regular NATA accredited testing laboratory using the heterotrophic colony count (HCC) and <em>Legionella</em> plate count methods. <em>Legionella pneumophila</em> serogroup 1 and serogroups 2-14 have not been detected in this system either before or after installation of the WDS. However, there had been consistent positive results for other <em>Legionella</em> species during baseline testing and during the WDS installation and start-up. As is often observed during water quality intervention programs, the water quality was negatively impacted in the period shortly following installation as the active agent in the treatment system presumably interacted with the biofilms in the pipe network and microbial debris was subsequently released and flushed from the system. Additional tap flushing was implemented by the hospital staff during this period as an extra measure to help flush the debris from the system and maximise the mixing of the Anolyte solution within the affected pipe network. By the third post-installation sampling event (Day 22 post installation), the plate count results showed consistently improved water quality throughout the system, with no sample points returning positive <em>Legionella</em> plate counts since that time.</p><img class="blog-image" src=""><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p class="image-caption"><span class="image-caption-header">Table 1.</span> “Other <em>Legionella</em> species” counts – data from the NECH’s monitoring lab.</p><p>The positive effect on the water quality following installation of the WDS was further confirmed by the <em>Legionella</em> qPCR analysis. This is a DNA-based method which is significantly more specific and sensitive than the plate count method and highly reproducible. The method is very specific to <em>Legionella</em> species as it directly targets a DNA sequence that is characteristic of these bacteria. This specificity gives the qPCR method a lower risk of false positives than the currently standard plate count method. In this case study, the qPCR data (which are expressed in genomic units per mL of water, Figure 1) show very clearly that the <em>Legionella</em> counts in the tested ensuites and bathrooms decreased significantly following installation of the Ecas4 in-line dosing system. Figure 1 shows the average qPCR results from the same 11 rooms sampled repeatedly throughout the case study. The large error bars on the baseline samples to the left of the graph indicate the extremely variable water quality that was typical in this water distribution system prior to the installation of the WDS. This is common under such conditions as the water quality can vary significantly depending on the length of time since the tap was last used. <em>Legionella</em> water quality testing is done by taking the first water that comes out of the tap, so if the water has been sitting in the pipe for some time it may be carrying a high bacterial load when the tap is first turned on. Figure 2 clearly demonstrates however, that the <em>Legionella</em> load decreased significantly over the course of this case study, and a consistently low <em>Legionella</em> cell count was achieved within 2-3 weeks of continuous treatment.</p><img class="blog-image" src=""><p class="image-caption"><span class="image-caption-header">Figure 1.</span> DNA-based <em>Legionella</em> species quantification data for water sampled from the hot water taps of basins in 11 hospital rooms; the same 11 basins were sampled on each occasion.</p><img class="blog-image" src=""><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p class="image-caption"><span class="image-caption-header">Figure 2.</span> Correlation between free chlorine and qPCR <em>Legionella</em> species quantification data for water sampled from the hot water taps of basins in 11 hospital rooms; the same 11 rooms were sampled on each occasion.</p><p>The improvement in water quality illustrated in Table 1 and Figure 1 is linked to the establishment of increased chlorine residual in the water supply network as a result of the Anolyte dosing. For example, Figure 2 shows the correlation of positive <em>Legionella</em> species counts and free chlorine in the sampled tap water. In Figure 2, red dots indicate baseline data, red asterisks are samples taken during the Ecas4 start-up and transition period, and green triangles represent the most recent data. This figure implies a relationship between the amount of free chlorine in the water and <em>Legionella</em> counts: in particular, a lack of free chlorine is a risk condition that allows the <em>Legionella</em> load to increase.</p><p>Although potable water suppliers in Australia aim to deliver a suitable chlorine residual for disinfection purposes, this varies between buildings depending on their distance from the treatment plant and on-site water management within healthcare facilities may inadvertently exacerbate this situation. For example, water softeners are often installed with the intention of improving water quality, but they also remove active chlorine present in the system, thereby adding to the challenge of maintaining adequate microbiological quality in the water supply. By adding the Ecas4 Anolyte, a significant improvement in chlorine residual is readily obtained, although it take time for free chlorine levels to stabilise throughout the system as the interaction of the Anolyte with bacterial cells and biofilms effectively consumes free chlorine.</p><p>As HOCl is uncharged and has a relatively low molecular weight, it is better able than other chlorine species such as OCl- to penetrate cell walls. It also reacts more rapidly than other chlorine species, in both oxidative and substitution reactions, with organic matter, including critical components of bacterial cells. In contrast with other biocides (e.g., chlorine dioxide, which is often considered as the most powerful disinfectant), hypochlorous acid is more likely to oxidise the polysaccharides that constitute biofilms, and may help decrease this ongoing source of microbial contamination within the pipe network. As noted above, the detachment/dislodgement of biofilm during treatment is the most probable cause for the peaks in HCC and <em>Legionella</em> counts recorded during the first weeks of operation.</p><p>Water management optimisation at this facility is ongoing, and the next steps will include a monitored, progressive decrease of the hot water temperature to save energy and reduce the heat stress on infrastructure and equipment. In addition to ongoing verification monitoring, DNA sequencing of bacteria from biofilm and water samples will also be completed, in order to characterise the bacterial diversity present in the system, and to identify the dominant species before and after implementation of the Ecas4 WDS.</p><h5>About the Authors</h5><p><strong>Sergio Ferro</strong>, Technical Manager at Ecas4-Australia. He recently moved to Australia from Italy, where he worked as a researcher at the University of Ferrara, and has extensive knowledge of chemical and electrochemical processes, particularly in relation to water treatment and disinfection.</p><p><strong>Tony Amorico</strong>, Owner of Ecas4-Australia. He brought this technology to Australia a few years ago after a personal friend contracted MRSA in an Australian hospital and died sometime later. Seeking to actively address this risk, Tony subsequently took it upon himself to introduce Ecas4 into Australian healthcare facilities.</p><p><strong>Erica Donner</strong>, Associate Research Professor with the Future Industries Institute at the University of South Australia. She works primarily in the field of environmental biogeochemistry, with a major emphasis on water/wastewater chemistry and microbial ecology</p><h5>Acknowledgements</h5><p>The authors acknowledge Euan Smith, Gianluca Brunetti, Sotirios Vasileiadis, and Enzo Lombi for their valuable contributions to the monitoring program and analyses. The assistance from Scott Williams, Daniel Walker and Sharon Piro from the NECH, as well as that from Simon Crabb and Daniel Vallelonga (from Ecas4) has also been greatly appreciated.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><img src="">
<h5>This article was featured in The Australian Hospital Engineer Journal, Spring 2016 (pg 63-66)</h5> <p><em>The Australian Hospital Engineer is the official journal of the Institute of Hospital Engineering Australia (IHEA). </em></p> <p><em>The IHEA is the relevant professional organisation for engineers and engineering facility managers employed in the private and public health care sectors, from the smallest to the largest facility, as well as consultants engaged in related work.</em></p>
Introducing the Ecas4 technology:  A new approach for managing health in a care facility

Introducing the Ecas4 technology: A new approach for managing health in a care facility

<h6>Feature Article</h6><h1 style="color: #00b1bf;"><span class="slider-header-bold" style="color: #00b1bf;">Introducing the Ecas4 technology:</span> A new approach for managing health in a care facility</h1><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p>Our health is continuously at risk, owing to the widespread presence of microorganisms potentially able to enter in contact with our body. A microbiological contamination may take place due to different causes: in general, it is consequent to the non-intended or accidental contact with infectious material like bacteria, yeast, mould, fungi, virus, prions, protozoa or their toxins and by-products. The contact may happen from the air, the water, or by touching or being exposed to infected surfaces.</p><p>Our body is a rich source of nutrients and water, which most pathogens need to survive; surprisingly, we remain healthy most of the time. We are obviously very good at protecting ourselves! We are equipped with a potent defence system, which relies on the activity of different lines of defence. Firstly, the presence of physical barriers (the skin, some mucous membranes, nasal hairs, cilia, etc.); the second level, which is still part of the “general defence system”, is represented by the activity of some specialized cells, generally known as “white blood cells”, which are expected to engulf the pathogens that have succeeded in overcoming the first barrier.</p><p>The subsequent, more potent, defence level is called “specific defence system”: at this stage, the lymphocytes present in our organism attack the pathogens by producing specific proteins called “antibodies”.</p><p>When white blood cells engulf pathogens, their subsequent “digestion” is performed through the activity of a series of enzymatic reactions. During the so-called “respiratory burst”, hydrogen peroxide and other forms of “reactive oxygen species” (ROS) are formed, which help not only in the fight against the pathogen but also by acting as signals for bringing more leukocytes toward the wound.</p><p>A special form of ROS is represented by hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a neutral molecule that is produced by neutrophils through an enzymatic (catalysed) reaction between chlorides and the endogenously formed hydrogen peroxide. The HOCl molecule is a biocide more potent than the original reactant (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) but less stable; for this reason, it is conveniently synthesized just when required.</p><p>Mimicking nature, the Ecas4 technology relies on an internationally patented electrochemical cell for the synthesis of a dilute solution of hypochlorous acid; we call it “Anolyte”, because its synthesis is carried out at the anodes (positively charged electrodes) of the electrochemical reactor.</p><p>Scientific literature is rich with studies reporting on the effectiveness of hypochlorous acid against an increasingly wider number of pathogens (see e.g. [<em>European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases</em>, 31 (2012) 641]). Unfortunately, in most cases, the considered solution is acidic (pH around four or even less), with the result that a real application would cause problems of instability (corrosion) of the treated surfaces or infrastructures.</p><p>The Ecas4-Anolyte, on the contrary, has a genuinely neutral pH (between 6.5 and 7.5) and contains less than 500 ppm (< 0.05%) of active chlorine, mainly in the form of hypochlorous acid (about 75% at pH 7, the remaining 25% being sodium hypochlorite). Both the very low concentration and the pH of the solution do not provide the product with a very long stability, especially when in contact with organic substances and/or exposed to sunlight. Under these conditions, it is sufficient to wait for a few minutes (maybe less) to allow for its volatilization or decomposition.</p><p>Based on the above characteristics, and according to both the European Chemical Agency legislation and the Australian Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP), no special classification, labelling and/or packaging are required with the Ecas4-Anolyte.</p><h3>Ecas4-Anolyte solution is:</h3><ul><li>pH neutral</li><li>Substantially harmless</li><li>Non-toxic</li><li>Non-corrosive</li><li>100% biodegradable</li></ul><p>The Ecas4-Anolyte has been approved by the Australian Water Quality Centre of South Australia (NATA-accredited laboratory, Dr. Paul Monis) as a valuable substitute to sodium hypochlorite for drinking water disinfection (September 2014). More recently (December 2015), the active agent has received approval by the European Chemical Agency for being used in the following areas of application: PT 1 (<em>Human hygiene</em>), PT 2 (<em>Disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals</em>), PT 3 (<em>Veterinary hygiene</em>), PT 4 (<em>Food and feed area</em>), and PT 5 (<em>Drinking water</em>).</p><img class="blog-image" src=""><p>Based on the above and on the huge support that the scientific literature is constantly adding, the Ecas4-Anolyte can be applied not only as a biocide in water networks to eliminate the bacteria from the water and the biofilm from surfaces (it has proven effective against e.g. <em>Legionella, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus</em>), but also as a multiple-use sanitizer. Although the Ecas4 experience in this latter field has not been finalised, a number of scientific researches have already been published. It is very exciting to observe that a solution containing hypochlorous acid (i.e., something similar to the Ecas4-Anolyte, even if this kind of solutions is generally less stable and reliable) has showed to be effective as a wound cleanser, characterized by minimum cytotoxicity but potent and rapid antimicrobial activity [<em>Advances in Skin & Wound Care</em>, 27 (2014) 65]. HOCl-containing solutions have also been suggested for nasal irrigation in patients with rhinovirus-induced common colds [<em>American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy</em>, 25 (2011) 40], as well as for washing venous leg ulcers, giving an overall beneficial result in 70% of the patients (45% complete healing, 25% of substantial reduction in ulcer size). Interestingly, pain was immediately relieved in all patients and remained absent during treatment and follow-up [<em>Journal of Wound Care</em>, 15 (2006) 33].</p><img class="blog-image" src=""><p>Investigations are currently in progress, in collaboration with University research teams, in order to confirm the potential of the Ecas4-Anolyte in the above applications. In addition, the Ecas4-Anolyte may be profitably used as a sanitizer for reducing the microbial content in diagnostic rooms and on equipment (air and hard surfaces); the application is safe and particularly efficient when performed through nebulization [<em>Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering</em>, 13 (2015) 6].</p><p>The Ecas4 fogging/nebulisation technology is effective also for the sanitation of environments that are generally more familiar to us such as hotel rooms, or the common living areas and the private residential areas in retirement villages and residential aged care facilities. To allow an easy yet reliable treatment of these sensitive places, Ecas4 has recently developed a mobile device that, once connected to a common 240V socket, is able to disperse the Ecas4-Anolyte in the environment under the form of a dry fine mist (droplets have a diameter of about 5 microns). The device is easily managed by means of a touch screen, which shows and allows adjustment of the main parameters of the treatment (timing, flow rates of the sanitiser and of the compressed air used as carrier). Since the ECAS-Anolyte is not harmful, the work operator can even remain in the room during the treatment (according to Australian Standards, the average exposure limit to the Ecas4 active component, estimated on a 8h/day, 40h/week work schedule, is as high as 3 mg per cubic metre, but lower concentrations are usually applied).</p>
<h5>This article was featured in LASA Fusion Magazine, Winter 2016 (pg 76-77)</h5> <!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><em>Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) is The Voice of the Aged Care Industry, speaking on behalf of the whole age services industry regardless of their ownership status.</em></p><p><em>Leading Age Services Australia is the only truly national age services peak group. It represents all industry participants, and maintains an essential principle of inclusion at its core. More importantly, it is a collection of equals committed to a brighter future for the age services industry, and the older Australians who rely upon it.</em></p>